Students raise concerns about Quality of Online Education amid Covid-19

A few days ago, experts from the agriculture department and agriculture academia were invited in a YouTube show named #BetterPakistan.

The agenda of discussion was related to advancement and sustainability in agriculture.

Hot topics like; food security, climate, research and innovation in agriculture, the role of academia were discussed with clarity fruitfully.

The most appreciable thing was questions. Program host asked very important and burning questions to the invited experts.

It was a healthy discussion and we are thankful to the host to bring such an important topic for discussion.

Worthy vice-chancellor of the University of Agriculture Faisalabad was the most senior expert who graced the discussion. Besides all healthy discussion about the important topic.

In the live comment section of YouTube, a different situation of condemnation was observable.

Several students from the University of Agriculture Faisalabad posted comments regarding semester break, poor quality of online lectures and unavailability of quality internet service.

Students from remote areas highlighted the issue of unavailability of internet service or poor internet speed.

While some of the students pointed out that, agriculture is a practical field and online lectures are not efficient enough to deliver the topic properly.

As a solution, most of the students demand for the semester break.

During the whole discussion with experts, an issue raised by the students was not discussed.

The topic of the program was overall related to the future of agriculture but anyone didn’t discuss the issues of students and online classes quality.

Our students are our future. University of Agriculture Faisalabad‘s administration must listen to the issues of students.

On the other hand, few students showed their frustration in a disrespectful manner which is also not acceptable.

We hope the country’s biggest and oldest agriculture university which is also ranked among World’s Top Universities, will consider the matter seriously and resolve the issue in a best-suited way.

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